
Rigorous identification and verification

Whether you’re looking to buy a property, satisfy your insurance requirements or find out if your wood-burning system is up to code, we offer a visual attestation service. Visual certification consists of a careful and rigorous identification and verification of all visible components of the heating system. It provides information on overall system wear. It is not exhaustive, however, and in no way guarantees the conformity of the work carried out.

Trained inspectors

Ramonage Royal inspectors are trained by the APC (Association des Professionnels du Chauffage). We use APC reports to guarantee the high standard of our services.

Insurance to protect you

Ramonage Royal carries errors and omissions insurance. Which we will:

  • Complete chimney-sweeping
  • Measure all visible components of the heating system
  • Supporting photo.
  • Inspection camera if required
  • Drafting of a report in which all points of non-conformity and maintenance are raised

Plan your maintenance now for a safe, warm home.